going nuts

May 27, 2008 20:19


I'm officially going nuts here. Have you ever heard a song.. years ago and suddenly you hear it again, but just in your mind? You don't know why, just that it won't go away? If so, then you know what I'm talking about. I heard this song about.. oh well.. at least 5 or 6 years ago. The problem is that I have neither a title nor an artist. Just ( Read more... )

song, personal

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It's Sqeezer Jess hcrazy June 8 2008, 12:33:01 UTC
Hey Jess,

Is this the song you are looking for?

"Without You"

Here are the Lyrics....

I can get no sleep without you
My heart doesn't beat without you
I can't even breath
Fall on my knees
'Cause the sun doesn't shine
Without you
I ask myself what happened to me
Where's all the love
We used to feel
So tell me what can I do
I miss ya

I can get no sleep without you
There's no more air to breath
Without you
I built my whole world
Around you
You change bitter to sweet
Make my heart beat

Can I see the sun without you
When all the stars are gone
Without you
Don't know where I belong
Without you
Oh I feel like I'm missing you

I built my whole world
Around you
What'cha feel don't you feel I like I do
Don't know what's wrong
Where I belong
'Cause something's going on
About you

I wanna put my arms around you
Still gor so much love
To show you
There's one thing you have to know
I wanna be with you I miss ya

I can get no sleep without you
There's no more air to breath
Without you
I built my whole world
Around you
Oh I feel like I'm missing you

I hope this helps! ;)


Re: It's Sqeezer Jess jess_caine June 8 2008, 13:02:32 UTC
YAY HCrazy.. it definitely IS the correct song. Maybe I just know another version of the song.. cause in my "minds version" there is no man singing.. and the music is a little bit different. But you helped me a lot. *hugs* Thanks a lot!! :D


Re: It's Sqeezer Jess hcrazy June 8 2008, 14:21:27 UTC
No Worries, my friend. I also hate it when I can't figure out a song. I'll go to the end of the earth to find it too! :)

You can listen and see it here and umm... Jess she is a woman! Hahahaha I like it too!





Re: It's Sqeezer Jess jess_caine June 8 2008, 14:36:04 UTC
*rofl* I know that she's a woman, but there is also a man singing and somehow I can't remember that there has been one in the version I have in mind. On the other hand, that's 10 years ago so it's very possible that I forgot about him.

Anyways, thanks for the link, already have the video on my computer now.



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