May 21, 2005 11:53
Wow, read my last entry. I'm a whiny little bitch. Things could be so much worse.
Yesterday my family and I got in a huge car accident, resulting in about 5-6 hours in the ER for my dad and me. I kept thinking that I was the only one who was okay and I kept seeing all these religious symbols. I'm not saying I was being watched over or protected persay, but I know there is something bigger than us out there. Something that helped my whole family to survive a crash like that. This man there said he was astonished that no one was more seriously injured. It was seriously a miracle. Or maybe an '04 Expedition. ha.
Honestly, maybe I needed something like this to put things in perspective. Things could be so much worse. My problems absolutely pale in comparison to the possible problems which may have come out of this.
Weirdest thing? I guess I kept saying 'Hurt in a car? Call William Mattar'. I didn't even know what day it was or anything else, and I remembered a commercial????????!!!!!!!!!! I guess marketing is effective. Obviously it burrows itself into our sub-conscious. Weird.
I honestly have a whole new perspective on life. I'm just a little wary of cars.