(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 00:32

Hey. I went to youth tonight and it was awesome!!! (I'm proud of ya Kisha!!) I actually got to talk to Austin for the first time in forever! He got his hair cut. Sorry random. But anyways someone brought up the fact that Josh was in Basic right now...Ugg...i was really tryin to let that go to the back of my head. I know he's not gonna be with me in the halls anymore, but...i don't know. anyways...our power went out for a little bit...I'm goin to go an get my hair cut tommorrow and my ears pierced..i hope. I have an appointment at the hair place at 2:30..i'm not used to havin an appointment...I don't really like them fancy hair, beauty shop places. I guess I just don't like the hair dresser ppl bein really nosey. I just usually go to my brother's place but they can't give the hair cut that my mom wants me to get...she says it'll look good on me but she don't know if i'll like it...I'm payin for it so i hope i like it...ugg. We got band camp monday...i'm excited...i hope it's not to hot though. Well I gotta go. Keep Josh Baldwin in ur prayers guys please. And also pray for me. I gots a situation and i'm actually goin to stand up for myself this time. I'm terrified but I don't want...ugg..gettin carried away. Well later. There's just this random thing i got off D.J.'s journal.

Love all you guys
BTW....here's a shout out to all my GS buds...LOVE YA GUYS.

1. Name: Jess "The Mess" Quillen (lol)

2. Age: 16

3. Grade: 11th

4. Birthday: July 22, 1989

5. Height: 5'3 or 5'4

6. Weight: umm...i don't really know

7. Eye color: blue

8. Hair color: brown with a little blonde in it...

9. Where you live: Gate City, VA


1. Name: Gate City High School

2. Grade: 11th

3. Last GPA you got: I'm not sure...all i know is it's a 94 overall

4. Colors: Blue, white

5. Mascot: Devils

6. Favorite class: Easy...Band!!! (NBDA!!!)

7. Club(s) you're in: oh my...FCA, Math club, and somethin else...

8. Teachers you have/had: this past semester...Mr. Fore (Prob. Stats), Ms. Hill (Gym), Ms. Adams (Biology), Mr. Lake for band.

9. Graduation year: 2007


1. Instrument you play (if you don't play one, put N/A): Trombone!! Brass chicks kick butt!! lol

2. Favorite music: Mix..really...no rap though

3. Favorite singer: Toby Mac!!!

4. Favorite band: humm...don't know

5. Tell me what you think of Hilary Duff: I think she's really pretty. And at least she covers herself up most of the time unlike some singers...

6. Say what you think of Britney and Christina: *coughs* well their old music was good but now...i don't really like them

7. Tell me what you think of Marilyn Manson: Never listened to him


1. Straight/gay/lesbian/bi: Straight most defiently!!

2. BF/GF: umm...I have a BEST FREIND!! isn't that what bf stands for?? (lol Jk...no i don't have one)

3. Crush: For me to know...it's...*runs and hides in a closet*


1. On same sex couples: I really don't agree with them at all!! That's a choice that, in my opinion, no one should make.

2. On president Bush: I like where he stands on the issues. (I watch the presidential debates like crazy when they come on!!)

Do you

1. Believe in God?: Yes!!!

2. Believe in Satan?: yeah

3. Believe in the Bible?: yes

4. Go to church?: yes

5. Like fishing?: yeah, i go all the time!!

6. Pray before you eat?: not really

7. Smoke?: NO!

8. Drink?: NO!


1. Parents: Keith, Lisa

2. Siblings: Brooke, Mark

3. Youngest/oldest/more of a middle child: I'm the oldest...always stuck with the responsiblity and blame
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