ok so today was the last offical day of classes, however my gay arch history teacher decided to do a review tom at 9:40 am!! wicked cool!!! arg my review went great. the person reviewing our work loved my project and only could complement me so im sooooo happy. my teacher is making a copy of it to put in his portfolio that he needs to be a professor. i went 3rd so i got it over and done with really fast. then in physics i did my hw and turned it in and lastly we handed in our final english paper today!!! now i have 2 really hard exams next week that i need to do well on, esp arch 102 exam its 50% of the grade. i have to read 200pgs on a wall. u think u know what a wall is, but for real, according to max robinson, you have no idea. Basically his lectures go like this...... think of the most basic and simple idea or concept, and then imaging sittin in a class of his whose lecture is about that simple idea. i garentee you will walk out of that class no longer knowing what the hell that basic idea was. its rediculous lol. ne way its getting warmer again out, and finally sunny. i just found out that dorms close sat, may 7th at noon too bad my fam wont get here til sat morning arg. theres a floor meeting at 6, sounds like fun times. and then as soon as i get home i have to start looking for my amazingly cool new computer. and im gonna get an i pod shuffle out of the deal bc my teachers recomend it bc it holds music as well as project files on it. im excited lol.
as of now my summer sounds like this...
1. as long as my classes will transfer of from may-jun23 (i think) i have class on MWTH from 10-12:15 and then TTH from 6-9:15 ish
2. then i have to find a job ugggg
hopefully waitressing again
3. FREE TIME is spent at the beach, campground, and with friends!!! or pj i suppose lol
well if your still reading thanx lol it was a bunch of poinless shit but i well