ya volvemos con.....jessica´s livejournal

Nov 09, 2004 20:55

that title is funny because....let me try to explain. there are channels here that only play american shows, and when they come back from commercial they´re like, YA VOLVEMOS CON....ER or WITHOUT A TRACE or TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL or GILMORE GIRLS and this is only funny if you say all these shows with a ridiculous spanish accent. try it. you´ll die laughing

interestingly, the portugues equivenlent (thanks to extensive time spent in brazil) is VOLTAMOS JÁ CON...

ok, so last night susan and i were standing in front of her new buildig, and these argentines, not really jovenes, came up to us and were like¨(in really bad english) "you espeaka da inglish?" and we were like, "not to you"

long story short....(too late)...we end up going to Shamrock (a bar) with these guys. they end up being 28. we end up agreeing to have some champagne with them after susan and i have consumed two speed con vodkas and a daquiri. we end up drinking the chamgagne in ONE OF THEIR APARTMENTS. and we end up not getting raped. amazing. i got home at 5....it was getting light out.

ok. so now about to go meet susan for another eventful dinner.

by the way, if anyone sees dean hill, tell him to email me back. these pre-registration plans won´t just make themselves.

ok bye
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