Feb 28, 2004 14:59
I saw the Passion of The Christ yesterday. It was absolutly horifying. Which.. was the intention i suppose. WOW. I kid you not, almost every person in that theater sat still in complete silence for about 5 minutes after seeing that film. And after the film there were ushers standing outside the door asking all the movie-go-ers that came out if they were all right, and if they were feeling fine. I make it a habit to do this.. i don't know why, but i always look around in movies to see the faces and reactions of others. I just think it is highly intersting and that the if the direction and camera work is done properly, the movie as well as the reaction of the crowd are equaly important. But anyways, i looked around, and about 80 percent of the people in that audience where either crying, wheeping and at the very least teary eyed. It was incredibly powerful. And was it anti-semetic? NO. NO. NO. no. no. i say that from a completely unbiased standpoint too. I honestly tried my hardest to look at this movie in two ways.
1.) As a movie go-er looking for the quality of editing, direction, camera work, story line and movement in the film. I looked for where the controversy was, where it could be. I did research on the film to have an idea what to look for. Historical evidence ect.... (but thats just the aspiring director in me).
2.) I looked at this film on a personal levle, as a christian, and as a person b eing touche by an incredible story.
SO was it an outright attack on jews?.....no... no more than making a movie about WW2 is a direct atack against germans. It was understood that not every jew was a jesus hated screaming "crucify Him" through the streets. There were some believers, some haters, some that did not know nor care what was happening. ANd as for the direction, it was absolutly spectacular. The camera work was great the use of angles and the set were great. ANd beyond that, the movie was made in a way that it grasped peoples heart strings and did not let go. Now, if i had directed a film that caused people to sit silently in a theater for some time after it was over, and cause grown men to cry... HOLY CRAP.. ywah.... thats good direction. ANd on a personal levle, incredible... wow.. thats all i'll say.. wow.
SO i'm going to see Chris's mom play tonight. yeah... i'm sure it will be good, at least decent.
My aunt and uncle and two year old cousin are here for the weekend. My aunt is a lot of fun. Shes from tiwan. We're going shopping, shes a designer.. maybe she'll help me in my quest to become a princess... hehe So heres how its going so far.. i've lost 5 pounds... and i got my hair trimmed so i dont have split ends and it will grow fast. woot.
Austin called me.. which is very much rad. I miss him, we used to talk about everything. I love the kind of friends you can just call up at any point and simply pick up right where you left off. Its a good feeling. I like loyalty. I know i say this a lot, but i probobly hold loyalty the highest out of any human quality. Think how much it includes.... love.. respect...ect...
I'm very tierd lately, maybe i have cancer or something. I'm a night owl... i can't be tierd. I think this year just needs to be over... reallllllllly soon.
I miss my friends. i don't get to see them as much as i'd like too. I'm really honestly trying, but it seems like everyones busy all the times, either that or i'm busy. oh well... i hope theyre all the kind of people that can pick up where we last left off.
"There is no time... only present. The past and future do not exist, they are aids to the present. There is only every moment, single and alone."