"i know something's coming.. i don't know what it is, but i know it's amazing"

Sep 17, 2005 12:59

i feel like i'm sitting around and waiting for something to happen, and that bothers me. i have all of the opportunities right here at school with me, literally right in front of my face... so why does everything still feel like it hasn't clicked?
i can honestly say that 95% of the time i am genuinely happy with whatever situation i'm in here, so i'm not really sure why the 5% seems to be such a big deal. i think part of me expected to come here and immediately form deep, long-lasting relationships with people, and that just hasn't happened yet-- and i can say that it's bc it's still early, but i feel like i'm falling into the "wait it out" trap instead of carpe dieming if you get my drift.
on the plus side, classes aren't particularly stressing me out yet, but i feel like there's this major void that has yet to be filled, both in time and space... which is funny because i have like 2 meetings a day and am sure that there's much more to come with respect to the organizations that i'm in.
probably, i'm just sleepy and sitting around so my mind is wandering. i'm going to work out now, so maybe i'll wake up a smidge.. altho great, 1:00 on a saturday afternoon, i'm sure it's not busy at all. seems i still have some planning skills to develop.
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