Sep 17, 2002 20:07
it's been a while kiddos.. since friday the 13th i've been keeping amused with airfest (fun) and a cheering carwash sunday. yesterday was alright- had to wear our cheering uniforms to school. i only got called a slut 3 times, an improvement compared to last year. what started off as the shittiest day yesterday ended up being a great one.. i got walked to 7th period and it completely made my day =). cheering was alright yesterday and i'm lookin forward to it tomorrow.. today started off as a great day. during first period i get called down to the office to find out mrs crowley wrote us up so tomorrow after school its me, kristi, and office detention- sweeeet. actually it was kinda a compliment because mr valliere informed us that our slips were the first ones mrs crowley has written up in 10 years~ glad one of em got to go to me. for the last couple of periods today i walked around with brock's pimp necklace on. i was iced out but i didnt find me any hoes- still workin on it. i tried to cheer melissa up today by bringing her cinnamon toast crunch cereal and writing her a note with some song lyrics and then by writing a less-than-cheerful poem about our 'love lives'. concluded the day by making a list called "requirements for being a guy" and i proceeded to list everything that guys do to us girls. not all of em- there are some decent guys out there. most of em seem to be buried, but who knows i just might have found one. well im looking forward to office detention after school tomorrow..