Mar 20, 2004 12:38
Literally bored to tears... I am so bored.. I have cried.. now that my friend is bored! I have blanced my checkbook and that was my saturday morning entertainment..
at least this morning I was able to watch one of my favoirite cartooons... Recess.. but alas it's all over.. Recess is such a good cartoon.. i thoughrally enjoy it...
The one thing I could do this morning I don't want to.. I could study for my boards.. and I have to start studing asap because I have to take the test in 90 days.. I'm rather afraid of this test since the failure rate is over 50%.. which scares me.. I do not want to fail for so many reasons... financial being a big one.. at $400 a test.. you can see why they make it so difficutlt.. evil board.. they just want to make money off poor scared people like me... I really hope I don't fail.. and knowledge isn't even the exact key to passing... Knowing their tricks is.. because they write questions into fooling you.. and tricking you into giving the wrong answer.. this may seem like a made-up consipracy that I have fabricated in my mind.. but It is actually true.. so I need to study up on HOW to take the test...
Sorry that was rather boring.. but now you know how i feel.. completely BORED..
perhaps my friend will take me for a jaunt.. this would involve actually having to put some underwear on.. poooowi.. but I guess the sacrafice will be worth the 16 oz of freedom..