Jul 05, 2005 21:19
Just read my last entry where I was wanting to go out and have a big one.. well misson accomplished. Friday was, as described alsewhere on LJ all in all pretty good. I drank way too much alcohol and felt pretty sheepish about a few things in the morning. Time to get over this angsty stuff though, its not attractive and even if I was embarrassingly drunk I was with people I trust and who i know won't hold it against me in the future.
At this point I have to nominate macca as the bestest boss ever. Shore he makes me works Saturdays, but get this... lets me come in late and go early due to excessive amounts of alcohol still being processed by the body (ie my mega saturday hangover).
Sunday was pretty kool. Dug holes in the garden with good friends (same friends as Friday night, maybe this was pennance for sins committed..ha ha.) shoulders now all muscly. me beefcake.
Ride tomorrow, maybe golf...
Hope there's some good weather.