
Apr 14, 2005 18:06

I think it's about time I update my journal...I never have time for this damn thing anymore. I'm always working...I feel like an old lady lately. Work early in the morning...work all day. Then fall asleep at 10:00. I think that means that I need to get out with my friends! I have been so tied up in work with trying to get a promotion...ANOTHER one. Just recently got promoted...along with a raise...so I'm not doing too bad for myself. Have been thinking about alot of stuff lately. I was thinking about going back to school but now I'm thinking Cosmotology school? I would love to do hair for a living. Don't really want to work at Best Buy for the rest of my life. But anywho...I am moving into my apartment in September :) SoOoO excited. Moving to the one's like right inside Lakeside Mall "Lakeside Terraces" really NICE apartments. 2 Bedroom cathedral ceilings...AWESOME! Can Hardly wait. But yeah I definately need to set aside ONE night and hang out with some old friends... lol like the FEARSOME FIVESOME. Haven't hung out with my girls in FoReVeR! I think the last time was at Nicole's house...I think that was one of the last time's I saw Bobby too...wow were does the time go? I think about this time last year...very wierd to think about....Was actually going to school...hanging out with my friends and was with Bobby at the time....actually I think I was gettin all my stuff together to go to Bobby's Prom...boy does that bring back memories *sigh* Well I'll leave it at that...damn't got myself thinkin again...lol


"Hopefully the Road I am headin' on will be the last..."

*I TeAr my heart open, I sew MySeLf shut My WeAkNeSs is that I care ToO much
My scars ReMiNd me that the past is real
I TeAr My HeArT oPeN jUsT tO fEeL...

"Wish You Were Here...."
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