Dec 12, 2007 09:25
so pretty much have christmas presents all over the floor in my room i think about wrapping them everyday and then i just dont. i rather watch tivo.lazy ass haha
i got colby some sweet shoes yesterday at tilley that were regualrly 85 but i got them for 25 im such a good shopper and he really liked them. he was like bring me back something cool and when he saw tillys hes like dang clothes suck. but thats not what i got hima nd i really wanted to give them to him for christmas but he wouldnt wait thats why his presnts are still in my trunk becasue he will open them, what a brat huh.
im all alone at workagain. which i am acutally really enjoying these days. less stress and i dont really have alot to do.
i have so far lost five pounds of my office sitting and doing nothing awalsy weight. i just have about 15 more to go. maybe if i went to the gym more it would speed it up but again the lazy factor.