*ok ok...i'm a slacker*

Nov 28, 2003 19:41

I am a slacker, but ya know I've been really busy (gettin' into trouble, right Daph?? haha) anyway...yesterday was Thanksgiving and I had a great one, and I hope everyone else did too! Even though I really didn't even have time to think...it still was fun! Break, so far, has been alright...it could be a whole lot better, but....I won't get into those details on here! Right now, me and Daphanie are sititn here at my cousin's house being really bored...we just came from my grandmother's house and WOW I have a lot of family! I mean hell, I'm related to about everyone! Matt filled me in on what a great night he had, and what a hang over he had this moring too...haha! that's what ya get for .>*>*>* ya know! YAY!!! I AM SO GLAD THAT IT IS SNOWING...and actually that is where we are going right now - to play in the snow! but I will update soon! leave me something sweet <3
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