Sep 11, 2007 22:11
So, yeah, I finally remember where my livejournal was at....*sheepish grin* I've just had a crap load of stuff going on, and updating my lj just hasn't been in the top 10, more's the pity. So much crap that I'm not really sure where to start as far as updating this journal. Sheesh.
Here's the highlights, so far:
1. Still back teaching at the place I was before, now I'll actually have a full year in.
2. Been doing some travelling. Actually in Tx right now, but flying back to good ole Kentucky tommorow morning. (yeah, really glad I'm not flying back today. Call me superstitious, what?)
3. Been working really hard to find a balance in my life between spiritual studies and the "real world"...if that makes sense to anybody.
4. Also been working my ass off on my graduate classes...I'm so sick of school. *sigh*
5. Had lots of "friend" drama that I really wish I didn't have to deal with....friends that are dating that break up and leave me stuck in the middle freakin' SUCKS. *nod*
I'm sure there's more stuff that's happened, but those are some of the biggies. And it is my ferverent wish that I can get off my lazy ass long enough to update this journal more frequently than I have been. I miss it. :(
Oh, and btw...*hugs fer all my peeps who still read this lj from time to time* :D
forgotten update