Sep 26, 2004 17:35
Wow! it hasbeen a while since I have written in this, man oh man! Sorry about that to the few of you who actually read this frequently....(ian). But anyway let's see, oooooh I started school! It is so much fun, I am having a blast and i have met alot of really cool girls. Talia, Shannon, Bridgid, Audrey, and Angie, you guys are the coolest and we are definitally going to have an awesome year. The ride to laconia is not that bad after all, the only bad thing about it is the gas I use, i have to fill my tank up every other day!!! It sucks but it's totally worth it because Empire is awesome!
Ummmm..... other than school I haven't done that much. oh yeah I went to the Maroon 5 concert at UNH w/ Sabrina, Holly, Rachel, Lindsey, Christina, Malinda, Ashley, Jackie, and Chelsea! it was so much fun and we all bought the yellow shirt cause we are cool like that! Go us, we rock! As Fast As was the opening band and although Jackie and Chelsea were not impressed, Malinda and i thought they were very good and bought the cd. Which by the way if any one wants a copy or to borrow it you may, i suggest you do!
I filmed anotherwedding yesterday at the Eagle Mt. House, it was soooo nice. I want my reception to look like that, it was beautiful. So i guess i had better start saving my money, lol. After the wedding i babysat the lady I work for pat Barlick's son Wolfgang! Wolf is the coolest kid ever! I don't know if any of you have ever played eye toy on a Playstation 2 and if you haven't I suggest you do it is so much fun. It puts you in the game, it's so cool. Wolf and i had a blast!
Alrighty, unfortunatly I have to go back to work, i was on my hour break and it's almost over (tears) lol, but i will update soon or at least try. Bye for now!