That ever famous Icon Meme....

Jun 30, 2009 01:01

Voluntarily had myself whacked by ginamak (and several others, who will be happily added as the time comes....)

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Why am I not surprised at ALL that you picked this icon, Gina? After all, it's so completely the fault of you and Michele I am addicted to Rachel and Keith's shows, and when Michele used a Donna icon for a Countdown post? Well, it was inevitable my cracky brain WOULD GO THERE. At least, Michele was nice enough to take the subsequent art and make it into an icon.

I still would totally pay good money/arts/my first born for that fic. Really. Want a full color masterpiece of your child conquering the world? The Doctor in birthday suit glory? Keith Olbermann flinging loofahs at Bill O'Reilly? WRITE ME THAT FIC.

Just sayin'.

This icon is proof that the Japanese are just so much awesome that we can ever hope for. They can make a video game about Lawyers, make it hilariously amazing crack, then use the game to create an Opera performed by an all female Takarazuka troup. That includes dance numbers for the "demon prosecutor". The icon is the closest I have seen to encompass that awesomeness.

Leave it to Rimmer to come up with the most brilliant and simplest solutions to fandom's stupidity. Red Dwarf, how I love thee; smoke me a kipper.

This is one of those icons where I keep trying to find the original source, because whoever made this? Is utter brilliance. No matter how serious and wanky a discussion, you whip this baby out, and people stop and giggle. Because not only is the Batman, Briscoe, and McCoy THAT AWESOME, you know you'd totally watch that series if it existed. And the "bom bom" never. gets. old.

Aaaaaah, the petite hedgehog. She is NOTORIOUSLY bad at staying still, and with my crappy digital camera, I assumed I would never have a proper shot to glorify her with. But in true diva fashion, she, on finding the perfect spot to pose on our red couch, stopped for a moment. Needless to say, it was immediately iconned for all future Wiki/hedgie posts.

Jimmy has very good tastes. Everyone has one of those days, when you think everything is going great, and then you end up making a dork out of yourself. This is the icon for those moments. I'm still amazed Mich managed to truly capture the mood in the animation- I think I like the icon better than the original drawing. :D


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