Now, I know pretty much everyone on the internet has now heard of Scientology and some of it's cracky theories and destructive practices. Normally, I'm not one to mock other people's religious beliefs (Unless, they try and tell me its should be the basis of all knowledge, like science and history). However, I was exposed to their nasty techniques my freshman year of Boston University, as they attempted to bully students into "personality exams" on Newbury street (they have been banned from Boston University campus for quite a while). They practically kidnapped my best friend's roomate and attempted to insult them both into joining.
I don't like them, and I particularly don't like their practices. So when walking to work I discovered they had set up a
'Exhibit' on the
'horrors of psychiatry', I was, needless to say, disturbed. (The bastardization using the word 'museum' would normally be enough to get me to RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.)
(Also, apparently due to these pictures, they set up video cameras to watch for people taking pictures of the exhibit, to then track down and harass)
It also made me worried- they had expertly planned the exhibit right when naive freshmen were moving in, when you often find college students unknownly signing away their lives to various organizations that shove clipboards under their noses.
But then I saw that France, at least, was attempting to hit them where they really cared- their wallets..
And I got a bit of hope.
Also, EGGS. The little black guy only has 3 days left. And I finally figured out how to get at least one gold egg out of my pair!