I have to ask this.
So, as some of you probably know, I go to Otakon every year. It's a lovely trek, and in it's deep dark bowels, I do something I would never admit to in public.
I cosplay.
Now, I do make the cosplay ironic and so out of place- I cosplayed Adam Ant last year (yes, a 80s pop sensation at an anime convention, and I was told because of that I rock hard).
This year as I'm working on my second Adam Ant costume
(This one, actually) and wondering what I'd wear on Friday, since I do not wear my costumes more than one day.
But then I had a horrible thought. I'm a redhead, with short red hair. I own a suit.
What would happen if I wore the suit, tie and big sunglasses, and in front, on a sign, it said...
"You've been rickroll'd"
Am I made of fail for think that would be the best costume? TELL ME, F-LIST. TELL ME.