May 04, 2005 07:12
I remember a quote from a book I read a couple of years ago, French author, can't remember the name. But I remember this passage from when the "prophet" came back in his home town and uneducated as the villager were they kept asking him deep question. At some point one of them asked him what love was and he replied:
"Quand l'amour vous fait signe de le suivre, suivez-le,
Bien que ses chemin soient rudes et escarpés.
Et lorsqu'il vous étreint de ses ailes, abandonnez-vous,
Bien que l'épée cachée dans ses pennes puisse vous blessé.
Et quand il parle, croyez en lui,
Bien que sa voix puisse brisser vos rêves comme le vent du nord dévaste les jardins.
Bien qu'a la fin la chaleur de son comfort fait renaitre la belle saison,
Car de même, l'amour fait tourner notre monde."
It could be translated as "When love makes sign to follow it, follow it, even though its roads are rough and bumpy. And when it wraps its wings around you, surrender, even though the sword hidden in its sorrow can hurt you. And when it speaks, beleive in it, even though its voice could break your dreams like the wind of the north can ravage a garden. In the end the warmth of its comfort will bring back the beautiful season, because love makes our world go around."
I like that quote because even if I went through some bad experiences in my life I can't rely on those to move foward. I will take the knowledge I got from them in consideration for sure but love its such an unpredictable feeling that you cannot come to a conlusion. The only thing I can say is....its worth it.
She is priceless and so worth it...
Its only a week without direct contact with her, I know I'll hear from her again soon. I always like a new challenge mahaha...and that wait only tests me, and I'll get through it head high and middle finger in the air at my conscience. I got something to look forward to hehe and when I hear from her ....Rawr!!! >:)
Looking at her pictures...