!/brittgomez?v=wall Britt Gomez is wondering why it is exactly that fat people get so angry when you make fat jokes. I know they make fun of skinny people, I've had it done to me and and it's just as rude/hurtful. It's not MY fault I'm not obsessed with food, or that my metabolism is better than yours. Just like your need for 5 slices of pizza and chocolate cake coupled with a slow metabolism "isn't your fault." Right?
32 minutes ago
Freddie Zampieri Its not my fault i blame my mom.
26 minutes ago
Britt Gomez Blame yourself if you're fat. Over eating, lack of exercise, and a pathetic attitude. I seriously think I might hate fat people. I'm not joking. It's fucking gross and I can handle hiding behind their self inflicted insecurities anymore. They can call me anorexic, or ask me what toddlers section I bought my clothes in, but GOD FORBID I ask them about why they are so fat.
16 minutes ago
Candace Price Agree - If you are fat just accept thats you and don't hate on the skinny's. And understand that it gets annoying that you take up 2 train seats and make loud disgusting noises when you breathe and eat.
about a minute ago
Freddie Zampieri lol
a few seconds ago