Sep 10, 2006 20:10
Just wanted to post a quick update.
I picked up my sister Friday and took her to Julian's. She liked it very much. We met my mom at the hospital around 1 to see my dad- he was doing a bit better- much more engaging and coherent than Thursday. Wendy and I took Mom to the Olive Garden for a belated birthday dinner (since it was last Saturday and my dad was sick so she didn't really do anything) which was really nice. We went back to the house, then back to the hospital till 8. Saturday morning, he called my mom and wasn't doing as much better as we'd hoped, and then as the day wore on, he was doing worse than Friday. TOTALLY unable to keep food down/in, having really fucking bad diarrhea- like not making it to the bathroom bad- and was totally exhausted all over again. I didn't end up getting to see him because I left the house later than I'd planned and had to work at 4. I didn't want to be working AT ALL but there was really no choice. I ended up staying at my parents' house last night and my mom and my sister and I went to Hearth and Kettle for breakfast. My dad called while we were gone and was doing SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had some toast and tea for breakfast and was actually feeling hungry and keeping food down and everything! And he isn't having the really bad shortness of breath like he was having, etc. It was really like night and day. He's certainly not 100%, but I am thanking God (or whoever) that he is feeling so much better today. We went to the hospital until about 5, then I came home. My entire family has been to visit this weekend, and it's been nice seeing everyone, although I wish it was under better circumstances. Wendy is staying until Tuesday morning. My dad's oncologist will be visiting him tomorrow, so she and I will both be there for that. He should be coming home tomorrow night or Tuesday. Whew.
I feel like my mind is totally spinning. So much going on right now!!!! BBABABABEJAJNFIEOIBFBN!
I can't wait to move back to Providence. xoxoxoxo