Хто був першим українським блогером, якого цитувала The New York Times

Dec 20, 2010 21:24

Russian Readers Comment on Article About Religion

Published: April 24, 2008 MOSCOW - What do Russians themselves think about the ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Kremlin, or about the rights of Protestants? The New York Times posted a translated version of the accompanying article on its Russian-language blog on livejournal.com on Tuesday. The entry was among the top 10 most read in the Russian blogosphere, according to livejournal.com, and generated nearly 1,000 comments.

Here is a sampling of excerpts as translated by the Moscow bureau of The Times:
“The state is trying to turn Russian Orthodoxy into a new state ideology - the same thing as Communism was in the past.” emmy_I
“In the 1990s, taking advantage of the fact that the authorities were weakened and the Russian Orthodox Church had not yet gained strength, a muddy wave of various missionaries flooded Russia. Their activity often undermined fundamentals of public morale, family values and the state system. This is why the revived state, when it got its breath, with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, began to oppose sect members.” zhizd

“In principle, everything in the article is correct. In everything, including issues dealing with faith, the Soviet dictatorship that is being resurrected wants to point the citizens in the direction it considers the right one descending, along with this, to brainwashing or more crude power pressure.” welikoross_88

“I suspect that the author of this article would consider it an offensive distortion of reality to say that the United States considers Protestantism a de facto state religion or fails to uphold the principle of freedom of religion. He would probably say that cases of unjust treatment of Muslims should be investigated and say that making a general conclusion that ‘Protestantism is the tool of the C.I.A. and the Islamophobic American police state’ is unfair. I’m afraid, however, that such conclusions are made with haste only in relation to my country.” sergeyhudiev

“Russia is experiencing an Orthodox renaissance - as a religion that is an inseparable part of Russian statehood - that no Protestant denomination can even remotely boast of. Moreover, the Russian Orthodox Church is the only institution that from 1991 to this day has not been burned by the collapse of the Soviet Union, though many sincerely hoped it would be.” krasnoslavovich

“Regrettably, the tolerance toward all faiths guaranteed by the Constitution in modern Russia has been successfully turned into a door sign with nothing behind it.” veles_old

“A stupid article. Someone wants to appear persecuted and someone wants to trash my country. I, for one, am a Catholic, and no one is oppressing me.” costezza

“The problem, which is correctly described in the article, is officials. It is from the authorities that the attitude toward Protestants as sect members takes shape.” oleg_kozyrev

“Unfortunately, Russian Protestant churches are considered, at minimum, sects, at maximum, agents of Western (American) spy agencies. Thus, they are treated as such.” jesfor

“Atheism in this country is the most important religion, despite the fact that many atheists call themselves Orthodox. The majority of people, I am sure, are not interested in the struggles among churches for congregations and for what’s in the pockets of believers.” big_cochon
“The Russian Orthodox Church chose a simple and efficient method of building up its might - instead of going to the people, it went to the authorities. At the most difficult moments, the Russian Orthodox Church supported both Yeltsin and Putin. For this, it was paid with property, benefits, access to television, schools, the army. In fact, the Russian Orthodox Church now is the Russian Federation Ministry for Spiritual Affairs.” fyodorrrrr

П.С. Тоді редакція НЙТ надіслала деяким блогерам листа (мабуть відібрали тих, хто спеціалізується на релігійній тематиці та політиці), щоб ті прокоментували статтю (яка ще не вийшла в газеті англ мовою). Було отримано 1380 коментарів. Десь 220 коментарів переклали і додали до статті внизу. А потім із 11 найкращих зробили окремий матеріал.

Шановні українські журналісти та редактори, вчиться як треба співпрацювати з блогерами!!! Нью Йорк Таймс це почало у далекому 2008-му. А ви, зокрема Точка.нет, все прагнете за бабло (або нахабно без бабла) розмісити потрібну вам інформацію.

christianity, Россия, Кремль, Russian Ortodoxy Church Corporation©, журналістика, web 2.0, ржунимагу, манія величі, livejournal

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