Mar 11, 2006 01:26
Well Hello LJ! It's been a stressful couple of days so I think by talking on here, I can maybe calm down. I'm watching Conan right now and he's helping melt the stress a bit. I actually had to count backwards from ten.
Good things:
1. Conan
2. I got a B on my Journalism test
3. I got into Willkie (a nice dorm) for next year (although I HATE housing bc Melia didn't get in with us agh...oh wait. THis is my good things list)
4. Melia is coming to IU (I think)
5. ST. LOUIS next weekend!!!
6. RENT next weekend!!!
7. Road trip with HAM (heather april melia haha) next weekend!
*that is actually all one thing, but it makes me feel better to have a longer list
8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is out on DVD
9. I'm working this week so I'll have some more money
11. I get to go to church on Sunday and I haven't been since like, December
12. I'm reading the book Wicked! and it's really good so far.
That's all I have. I'm trying not to list the bad things. I think I'll go to bed now, on that good night! Good night loves!