Jun 19, 2004 22:37
Dymphna15: Mmk here i go!
Dymphna15: Harry: Draco you stupid ferret face! I need you!
Rainbow Raharu: ((we be our characters too.))
Dymphna15: cool ^^
Rainbow Raharu: Draco: Dirty Mud-blood, what do you need me for. He gives a grim glare towards his direction.
Rainbow Raharu: ((how's that?))
Dymphna15: REALLY GOOD!!
Rainbow Raharu: ((O: ))
Rainbow Raharu: ((k))
Rainbow Raharu: ((FERRET FACE))
Rainbow Raharu: ((;~; i like ferrets.))
Rainbow Raharu: ((xD))
Dymphna15: ((HEHE me too))
Rainbow Raharu: ((BUCKBEAK IS SEXY))
Rainbow Raharu: ((xD and so is Hedwig))
Rainbow Raharu: ((SQUACK))
Dymphna15: ((giggles insanly))
Rainbow Raharu: (( OH! and harry))
Dymphna15: ((*claps*))
Rainbow Raharu: ((xD))
Rainbow Raharu: jes walks towards the two. not know what the problem was. "So. Boys, What's wrong?" She placed a hand lightly on her hip while glancing at Harry.
Rainbow Raharu: *knowing
Dymphna15: All D can do is stare and drool at Harry and Draco
Rainbow Raharu: Draco took a swift turn to face Jes. "Ugh. Another friend of YOURS potter?"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes felt all of a sudden offended. "Excuse ME?"
Dymphna15: D steps between Jess and Draco. "NO cat fights ladies"
Rainbow Raharu: "wtf?"
Rainbow Raharu: ((that was Draco))
Rainbow Raharu: ((one s xD))
Rainbow Raharu: Jes walked over to Harry.
Rainbow Raharu: Sooo...
Rainbow Raharu: *""
Dymphna15: D turns to Draco. "Opps, you look so femine i thought you were a chick ^^"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes laughs. "Oh, that's hot" xD
Dymphna15: D laughs as well
Dymphna15: "So can we glomp and use them now?" Turns and looks at the boys with a gleam in her eye
Rainbow Raharu: ((you gotta be Harry))
Dymphna15: ((mmk))
Rainbow Raharu: "we have to get their Trust first. or we can't even get near them" She whispers with a hissing of a snake in her voice.
Dymphna15: "Drat, i hate waiting." D sniffles.
Rainbow Raharu: "Yes i know. So do I" She looks at her feet solemnly.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes simply pushes draco away and then walks to Harry. "Hello,"
Rainbow Raharu: "we haven't met. I'm Jes and You are?"
Dymphna15: "I'm harry. Harry potter. " He points to his scar.
Rainbow Raharu: "I can see now. It seems you've grown alot." she looked upward at the sky. Her identical Scar on her neck could now be seen. she sighed.
Rainbow Raharu: ((I love RPing <3))
Dymphna15: ((yah! 'Tis major fun ^^))
Dymphna15: D is trying to make conversation with Draco, but failing. "Say you're hot." She smiles innocently.
Rainbow Raharu: Draco can only back away and then trips.
that felt kinda good.))
Dymphna15: D sticks her hand for him.
Dymphna15: ((laughs till she falls off her chair))
Rainbow Raharu: Draco reaches toward her reaching hand.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes's scar finally can be seen by Harry.
Dymphna15: D grasps Draco's hand and pulls him up.
Rainbow Raharu: [she's got one on her neck] Draco smiles lightly and thanks her. "Thank you."
Rainbow Raharu: He looks away.
Dymphna15: D blushes slightly.
Dymphna15: "You have pretty eyes draoc"
Rainbow Raharu: (DRAOC)
Dymphna15: ((I'm gonna break a tooth soon ^_^v))
Rainbow Raharu: ((yay))
Dymphna15: ((CRAP! >_
Rainbow Raharu: Draco blushes slightly. "heh thanks. Oh what house you in?" ((WHAT?!?!?!))
Dymphna15: ((i mispelled his name >_
Rainbow Raharu: ((that's alright))
Rainbow Raharu: ((just continue))
Dymphna15: "i'm-er, in ravenclaw" D refuses to tell him she's REALLY in Hufflepuff
Rainbow Raharu: ((i forgot, what do you need to be classified by to be in Hufflepuff?))
Rainbow Raharu: Draco smiles a bit. "Heh. i see."
Dymphna15: D nearly melts at his smile. She blushes some more.
Rainbow Raharu: draco unseemingly did not pay attention to her robe colors.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes sits down on a rock next to Harry and smiles. "the Sky, Doesn't it make your worries disappear?" She relaxes.
Dymphna15: D shifts from foot to foot. "SO draco, what are your hobbies, ones that are....interesting?"
Rainbow Raharu: ((BE HARRY D )
Rainbow Raharu: ((damn smiles >>))
Dymphna15: ((ok))
Dymphna15: ((you start))
Rainbow Raharu: ((after Draco xD))
Rainbow Raharu: Draco smirks, "Well. let
Rainbow Raharu: *let's see."
Rainbow Raharu: ((i dunno his Hobbies xD))
Rainbow Raharu: ((KNITTING))
Rainbow Raharu: ((XD))
Dymphna15: ((hehe ^^))
Rainbow Raharu: ((or doing his THANG))
Rainbow Raharu: ((masturbating xD))
Dymphna15: ((giggles insanely!))
Rainbow Raharu: ((well let
Rainbow Raharu: ((let us pretend he's talking to her about it.))
Rainbow Raharu: Jes sits down on a rock next to Harry and smiles. "the Sky, Doesn't it make your worries disappear?" She relaxes.
Dymphna15: He looks to the sky. "Yeah it really does" a small smile plays on his lips.
Dymphna15: ((HAHA!! ^_~))
Rainbow Raharu: " So, you from gryffindor?""
Rainbow Raharu: dfghsd
Rainbow Raharu: *(())"
Dymphna15: ((I'm confused who's talking here...))
Dymphna15: ((*is super slow*))
Rainbow Raharu: ((that's Jes))
Rainbow Raharu: Jes smirks, "So, you're from Gryffindor?" glances at Harry with her Ice blue eyes set on his.
Rainbow Raharu: ((I am wearing a Gryffindor shirt right now))
Dymphna15: "Um yeah." Draco snorts. "Ever the bloody gryffindor." He rolls his eyes.
Dymphna15: ((Ubber cool))
Dymphna15: D mutters: "even his snorts are cute!"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes smiles at D.
Dymphna15: D looks at the ground. "Sorry, i'm cutting into you and harry's snog time..."
Rainbow Raharu: Jes sits right by Harry's side. " Your parents. You ever miss them alot?"
Dymphna15: He looks down at his hands. "Yeah. Everyday."
Rainbow Raharu: Jes's eyes well up with tears. she looks at him. "Don't feel left out."
Rainbow Raharu: "I feel the same way. Except. I THINK i'm the cause of my parents death. Everyone says i got possesd and killed them."
Rainbow Raharu: *posessed.
Dymphna15: Harry looks nervous. He slowly hugs Jess and comforts her.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes Blushes and hugs him close to her while sobbing in his Sholder.
Draco, On the other hand could care less. "Pfft! how fake. He pitys everyone. He's letting everyone take advantage of him.
Rainbow Raharu: *"
Dymphna15: D scowls slightly. "Take it easy on him. Nobody's here has it easy. Living in constant fear, or regret. He's lost everyone he's ever loved. Show a little compasion for once Draco." The pink tinge never leaves her cheeks.
Rainbow Raharu: Draco looked at D shocked. "Well. Since you put it that way. you're right."
Dymphna15: Her eyes widen. "Y-you're kidding right? You actually listened to me?"
Rainbow Raharu: Draco Smiled. "Actually I'm not kidding and Yes i did listen to you. It's just i've been so full of myself. and i never had any real friends. they all just liked me because i was rich." his voice had trailed to a depressed tone.
Rainbow Raharu: ((how am i doin?))
Dymphna15: ((Excellent! better than me ^^))
Rainbow Raharu: ((O: SHOCK))
Dymphna15: "aww, poor thing." She gently wraps her hand around his. Bringht pink now blazes along her entire facial features.
Rainbow Raharu: Draco smiles and jumps into a longing hug. His happiness was overwelming him because. for the first time. He felt something he hadn't. it was happiness from an actual Friend.
Dymphna15: D stifens slightly before a huge smile breaks on her face and she holds him.
Dymphna15: ((now you go for it with harry!))
Rainbow Raharu: Jes cries deeply into Harry's sholder. "It's all my fault their dead. ALL MY FAULT!" her sobs became louder. "Oh harry. I know how you feel. i really do..."
Dymphna15: Harry's eyes well up in tears. He gently rubs her back.
Dymphna15: "It doesn't get easier, you just deal with it, or push it deep within your soul. Just don't let it consume you."
Rainbow Raharu: her sobs weaken and begin to become less tense she looks at him. "Harry. You're such an amazing person. Your a great person and a GREAT friend."
Rainbow Raharu: *began
Rainbow Raharu: *begins D:
Rainbow Raharu: ((Yay, Lot's o fun))
Dymphna15: ((yesh i agree))
Dymphna15: "Hey you guys wanna see something....pretty?"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes looked at Harry. "what do you mean?"
Rainbow Raharu: Draco only glanced over to harry, Not saying a word.
Dymphna15: D smiles, it's a part of me. ((OC time!))
Dymphna15: " So how about it?"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes and Draco Nod.
Dymphna15: "OK!" She smiles and bends slightly. Wings sprout from her shoulder blades and twitch slightly. She flaps them getnly. "Preety huh?" She beams a smile.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes smirks, "I have wings too. But. They're not pretty like yours." Little bat wingscome out of her Back. "see?"
Rainbow Raharu: Draco is astonished by what he sees. "That's amazing!"
Dymphna15: D squeals and touches them. "They're sooo cute!!"
Rainbow Raharu: Jes looks at D and smiles. She flaps them infront of Harry.
Rainbow Raharu wants to directly connect.
Rainbow Raharu: ((i can't see pics but i wanna send somethin.))
Dymphna15: Harry reaches out at touches them gently.
Dymphna15: OK
Rainbow Raharu cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
Rainbow Raharu wants to directly connect.
Dymphna15: ((try it again))
Rainbow Raharu cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
Rainbow Raharu wants to directly connect.
Dymphna15: ((keep tryin))
Rainbow Raharu cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
Rainbow Raharu: ((forget it))
Dymphna15: ((no go ahead!! it works!))
Rainbow Raharu wants to directly connect.
Dymphna15 is now directly connected.
Dymphna15: ((see? ^_~))
Rainbow Raharu:
Rainbow Raharu: ((that's Jes/Deadly Rainbow))
Dymphna15: ((OOOOOOH pweety. *stares*
Dymphna15: ))
Rainbow Raharu: for SE))
Rainbow Raharu: (( I CAN'T SEE STUFF O )
Rainbow Raharu: ((O: ))
Dymphna15: (("tis sending))
Rainbow Raharu: ((i mean when i get it. i can't see images.))
Dymphna15: ;__;
Rainbow Raharu: Jes looks at Harry as he touches her Wings.
Dymphna15: "They feel interesting." He stares at them, not in a bad way, just mesmerized.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes laughs a bit.
Dymphna15: D wraps her wings around Draco.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes thinks to herself, I want him to make the first move.
Rainbow Raharu: Draco is pulled in. "heh. hello there."
Dymphna15: D nuzzle his neck. "Yummy."" She giggles slightly.
Dymphna15: nuzzles*
Rainbow Raharu: Draco blushes brightly.
Dymphna15: If possible her smile widens. "You're even way cuter when you blush."
Rainbow Raharu: Draco laughs a bit.
Dymphna15: D looks over at Jess and Harry. "Aww, they're cute together." She flashes an anime smile.
Dymphna15: ^_^
Rainbow Raharu: Draco smirks. "Ya i must admit, they are."
Dymphna15: D moves her wing out a brushes jess's. "Hi over there. =3"
Dymphna15: and*
Rainbow Raharu: "hi" Jes smirked.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes then looked at Harry. she could onlt help but Smile.
Dymphna15: D can't help a fangirlsh squeal escape.
Rainbow Raharu: Draco laughs a bit at D's squeal. "heh you're happy."
Rainbow Raharu: Jes looks at Harry. She thinks, 'Come on harry. Make a move.'
Dymphna15: Harry looks into her eyes and softly kisses her.
Rainbow Raharu: Jes's eyes widen and then close as she goes into the kiss.
Dymphna15: D smiles at the couple and gently bites draco necks. "Yup. You taste yummy." She licks the area she bit.
Dymphna15: neck*
Rainbow Raharu: Jes at the moment thinks, 'How did he know?'
Dymphna15: ((heehe))
Rainbow Raharu: Draco twitches lightly. "ack!" he smiles lightly.
Dymphna15: D can't help but giggle. She sighs and rests her head on his shoulder. "Yup. definitly cute."
Rainbow Raharu: He lightly wraps his arm around and pulling her close.
Dymphna15: (( we'll finsh this another time. I'm ebing kicked off line. feh >>))
Rainbow Raharu: (( who is?))
Dymphna15: ((me, my da's kicking me off. Gots to go, buh bye! *hugs*))
Rainbow Raharu: ((bye))
Dymphna15 direct connection is closed.
Dymphna15 signed off at 10:30:49 PM.