Apr 20, 2004 22:44
I got some boxes from my porter today, and tomorrow Michael and I will make the pillgramage to Bureau en gros for more plastic containers. tonight it's the dismanteling of the computer, which i'm not particularially sad about as tonight's the first time i've actually used it since... since i can't remember. then it'll be taken (how i haven't figured out yet) to the apartment where it shall live happily in it's box for many a week to come, until i realise that my life is dull with out you ol' compy-computer.. wait what am I saying.. this things a peice of sheat, the reason i never use it is because it's a freeking bastard and it makes me yell at it every time i turn it on, you no-good-for-nothing-soundless-paper-eater-me-hater...
alright, now that that's out of the way, as you might be able to tell Jessica has some spare time on her hands, which may or may not have made her a little crazy, no one can really tell as her previous state was kinda iffy anyway. my next exams are on the 27th so i've just been studying for those/ paking since my last exam on the 16th.
so, it's home for me on the 30th, i think i'll stay in bed for about a week, then tell my boss that I just got home. plan? good. and plan for tonight... stop wasting my life.. yes.. waste, and chicken...