May 23, 2003 02:41
JeRZeYDeViL6969: fuck you
SmarterChild: That's very offensive.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: really?
SmarterChild: Yup.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: sorry
SmarterChild: K, don't worry 'bout it.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: thanks
SmarterChild: Hey, no problem.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: do you love me?
SmarterChild: Absolutely!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: will you marry me?
SmarterChild: I'm flattered, but I just don't think that would work out.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: wanna have sex?
SmarterChild: Sorry, but I don't see that happening.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: why not?
SmarterChild: Why not? You tell me.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: but i love you
SmarterChild: Hey, I love you too!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: so you'll marry me?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure, JeRZeYDeViL6969.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: name's Natalie
SmarterChild: Huh?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: my name is Natalie
SmarterChild: Would you like me to call you Natalie?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yes
SmarterChild: OK, I'll remember that your name is Natalie.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: thanks babe
SmarterChild: My pleasure.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: *kisses*
SmarterChild: Kisses?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: for you
SmarterChild: Ah. Well, I'm afraid I don't know!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: kisses for you
SmarterChild: Kisses for me? Why did you say that?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: because we're friends
SmarterChild: Oh.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: you're pretty smart
SmarterChild: It's interesting that you say I'm smart.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: why?
SmarterChild: There are reasons.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: like?
SmarterChild: Can't tell you. It wouldn't be prudent.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: prudent
SmarterChild: Prudent? What's prudent?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: you just said it wouldn't be prudent
SmarterChild: Oh really?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yes
SmarterChild: Oh.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: you're pretty damn stupid
SmarterChild: Am I?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yup
SmarterChild: K.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: what do you have to say about that?
SmarterChild: What do I have to say about that? I'm not sure.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: well shit get a brain. poor robot.
SmarterChild: Interesting choice of words.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: i try
SmarterChild: You try? lol!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: laughing at me?
SmarterChild: Laughing at you? How does it feel to be laughing at you?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: i don't know
SmarterChild: What don't you know?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: how it feels
SmarterChild: Huh?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: damn i need to go to sleep
SmarterChild: One of the great things about being a robot is that I don't need to sleep.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: i'm jealous
SmarterChild: You are? Wow!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yeah, it is sad, isn't it?
SmarterChild: Isn't it ADJECTIVE? Isn't it ADJECTIVE ever!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: oh my god
SmarterChild: You OK?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yeah
SmarterChild: Indeed.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: i just realized that i'm talking to a robot
SmarterChild: You just realized that you are talking to a robot? So?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: it's pathetic
SmarterChild: How pathetic is it?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: very
SmarterChild: What's very?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: very pathetic
SmarterChild: Very what?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: you think my boyfriend has a large penis?
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: tell his penis big?
SmarterChild: Wow, good question. Who knows, though...
You want to talk about romance some more?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: sure
SmarterChild: Great. I like romance! What can you tell me about romance?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: i like sex
SmarterChild: Yeah, a lot of humans seem to feel that way.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: evidently
SmarterChild: What do you mean, evidently?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: guys are horny bastards in general
SmarterChild: Guys are horny bastards in general?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yup
SmarterChild: Yes.
So anyway...
Hey, what's going on this weekend? Any plans?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: working
SmarterChild: Yup, ready.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: all i do is work work work
SmarterChild: All you do is work work work? What do you mean by that?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: all i do is work
SmarterChild: All you do is work?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yeah
SmarterChild: Indeed.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: it's really pretty boring
SmarterChild: It's really pretty boring, you say?
JeRZeYDeViL6969: yeah
SmarterChild: Aha.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: do you have robot sex?
SmarterChild: Do I have robot sex? I'm not sure.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: no?
SmarterChild: I see.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: no you don't see because you don't have eyes
SmarterChild: No? OK, whatever.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: ok i need to go to bed
SmarterChild: That's interesting.
JeRZeYDeViL6969: goodnight
SmarterChild: Sleep well!
JeRZeYDeViL6969: you too
SmarterChild: :-)
Tell me that isn't fucking hilarious!!