
Mar 05, 2013 06:57

Angel knew he was a dead man. Even more so as the poison coursed painfully through his body. Whoever said the heart was the only way blood moved within your veins did not understand the body of a vampire. Even without a heart beat his body thrummed and pulsed. The poison moving slowly like hot lava after an eruption, from his head all the way down to his toes.

He swam in and out of consciousness, pictures and images moving against his closed eyelids. Sometimes they were of Buffy but mostly they were of Willow.

Angel clawed his way back out of consciousness and was surprised as soft red hair came into view. He reached out expecting this to be another dream, another play of his mind. But his hand touched the fuzzy material of the peach sweater she had on. Inside he was screaming but on the outside he was calm. He grabbed at her arm and brought her hand to his face, caressing his cheek with her flesh. His body jumped at her nearness, her touch having a calming effect on him.

Willow stammered and made the excuses that he obviously thought she was Buffy and Angel reluctantly agreed but he lied. It was Willow he loved, Willow he wanted and as he watched her walk away he knew she would never be his.

Dead men don’t get happiness, they don’t get their forever after. But by the Gods did Angel want it.

velvetwhip, willow/angel-dreams, drabbles

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