Jul 04, 2004 22:58

Damn I want a girl ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

fasttalker July 4 2004, 20:20:20 UTC
That is the cutest and sappiest thing ever.. you have way too much time on ur hands..lol


winds_of_time July 4 2004, 21:19:45 UTC
Ditto. It even made me consider finding a girl for you! XD


serella July 6 2004, 19:02:38 UTC
That was cute. If I knew a girl like that, I'd introduce you.


jerzdevil July 8 2004, 09:59:25 UTC
Thank u people for the love. But i have found someone! Twins actually and the good news is that they will never leave my side and are always with me. u all should know what im talkin about peace out.


jerzdevil July 11 2004, 21:10:25 UTC
Fuckin spic... U already know where I am... COLOMBIA! Its been cool so far... and yes, no pussy. I know you knew that... V4L. So hows life... why the fuck did i ask... gay, i know. Jamie got fuckin fired... god fuckin dammit. thats really fuckin gay... I have yet to find out why. Well, I^m rambling, because I can`t speak in english here. Peace, bitch.
Tha Better S.P.I.C.

P.S. Listenin`to Kevin Lyttle, eh? whatever happened to "Ohhhh Carlos youre obesessed with that fuckin song, its gay"????? hehehehe.....


jerzdevil July 11 2004, 21:25:23 UTC
Yooooo!!!!! what up. how's cumlovinbia? jk. yea u will die a priest or something all pussyless.lol anyways when u comin back?
BTW yea that kevin lyttle song got to me goddamn it
If u bored e-mail me or sumthin JRez88@aol.com
The Best S.P.I.C. aka the Notorious S.P.I.C....idk


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