Nov 26, 2003 23:12
Today was pretty good, for one, I finished making the hemp and bead necklace for my grandfather's dogtag to hang from. I used to have it on my keys, but they got lost. Thinking The tag was the only thing on there I really cared about, and I'd resigned myself to never seeing it again, until it turned up in a grocery store. I loved my grandpa dearly, but he died when I was young, and the dogtag is one of the few things of his I still have, so to make sure it never gets lost again, I decided to wear it whenever it's not safe at home, hence the necklace. So anyway, like, yay and stuff.
In other news, the only good local FM station has been giving away a 10 gig ipod every day of this month. I finally won tonight. Woohoo! I hate to do the whole yay me thing, see how cool this is, but I've never won shit before, and I really wanted one, because I recently got my cd player and my choicest discs jacked out of my car. I decided then that I was going to get something that I'd never have to leave somewhere for lack of pocket room. After the month was over, I was going to save up for one, but I guess karma owed me one. S'cool.
So yeah, today did not suck. I am happy about that.