Nov 23, 2008 13:13
My Paper Heart will Bleed...
So, Immature Drunk people get annoying after a while and in mass quantities, Yeah.
Brad and I went to our first Cast party in a few Years, and we find that we prefer the smaller, random, selected invite gatherings we tend to stumble into. That has mostly to do with people's unrelenting dependence on Alcohol.
How Dare someone try and con me, ME, into getting them more alcohol when all of cast around us has been saying you can't have any more. How Dare You. And you seemed so nice at the beginning....Also, I have never seen such disrespectful people on cast to the Host's house. Never. Grow up People! Immaturity and alcoholism do Not go a long way in making friends, no matter how many people you sleep with, or what sexual orientation you pretend to be. Goodness.
Okay, sorry, I'm done being a Grumpy Gills.
So close to then end of school, the my fate is decided! So we will see. Not much else to report, I lead a boring life....
This Wait for Destiny Won't Do,
Be With Me Please I Beseech You.