Apr 17, 2004 20:02
I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rinds
But the lack thereof
Would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt
Turn it inside out
Find nothin' but faith in nothing
Wanna put my tender
Heart in a blender
Watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion
Rendevous, then I'm through with you
EVE 6 Beutiful Obvlivion from www. letssingit.com
Yippe. lounds like fun. It happens to the best of us. My brother, my best friend you guys i am sure. Jeff, Dad, Mom, jessica, everyone I know i bet has had thier heart wrenched out thrown down and spat on at least once. Cool though becuase God gives me courage, not only was his heart wrenched..... and spat on..ect. His heart was tourtured for 1000s of year. Think about it, Adam was far away when Christ died for him, Jesus was far away from The father for 3 days but thousads of people were brought back with christ to heaven when he rose again I bet. I would go so far as to say also that When Jesus died and we put his body in the grave The Father was weeping His hardest, But God also weeps and weeps for those who are lost each time someone dies God crys his heart out. I love God so much I hope I can help him so He s\doesn't have to cry over most of my friends. Amen tata.