Oct 15, 2008 06:17
I can't wait for tonight's South Park. Even with its horribly tasteless title. Cartman's probably going to say something horrendous, and it will be good, because we all know it's Cartman and we can laugh at him. Right? RIGHT??
Comp lesson today! I get to bring my lyrics in for Scott, and we'll take a look at them. Might have to bring my guitar, though... and I don't know if I wanna bring in my computer and my guitar. And I think I finished my brass piece. Ahhhhright!
So, yeah. There's nothing else I can think of to write about this morning. How about a madlib?
A group of us were sitting aroun a raging (noun) one night roasting (plural noun) and telling (adjective) stories when we heard a/an (adjective) noise coming from the fire. We jumped up and saw a/an (adjective) light floating toward us. It looked like a disembodied (noun), and we had to cover our (part of the body, plural) because it was so (adjective). The weird figure (verb, past tense) above the flames until the fire went out, leaving us in total (adjective)-ness.
I fully expect it to be solved Drawn Together style, but other creative ways of filling in the blanks will be accepted.
south park,
drawn together,
tasteless titles,