In a hole, either hiding from Nazis and getting pooped on or just holed up.

Oct 02, 2008 08:01

School's fucking insane!! But awesome nonetheless.

I'm feeling a little overcommitted at the moment, and I'm learning that choir eats time. Okay, we're doing Carmina and I'm super stoked, but it's insane. A list of things to be done for choir:

-Practices every Tuesday and Thursday

-Two performances at school

-Two big rehearsals in preparation of said two performances

-Two perfomances at NJPAC and one at Morristown Community Theater (with Russians!!), which will effectively kill a weekend

-Four big rehearsals in preparation of said performances

-Six Sunday night rehearsals spanning three hours a piece, which will effectively stop me from watching Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad!. (Though I might make it home in time for AD!, which is bettar than FG anyway, even though FG is great).

Did I mention this class was only half a credit?

So yeah, I'll be updating more. Mainly stuff like: "School's insane!!" and "OMG MOAR SOUTH PARK!!11!!!!1!!eleventy" at the moment. And maybe photos of cats.

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