Well the week has begun. I managed to find myself in the bay area this morning. And though my time was short, I managed to sneak my way into the WWDC for Stevie J.'s keynote, and I must say, the goodies are by the many.
Though things like an aluminium Nano or an iPhone were highly speculated, this was much more down to earth but a lot of things took me by surprise. The apple store was down all morning until after the keynote speech. If you visit the
Apple Site some new changes are all ready visible on the front page alone. All I have to say is Leopard looks smoother then I ever imagined and they aren't letting out the juicy goods yet, they say we will just have to wait until the release, which is hoping to be in the spring. But I must say, the MacPro blows my powerbook out of the water for less the price. It wouldn't be a true Mac event though without some talk of Windows. Well the fun jabs made at the PC company basically all flowed around them stealing the looks of websites such as google and trying to imitate the current system on Mac's, Tiger, for their new Vista in the works which will take over XP. Well Mr. Vista, all I can say is that while you are talking and trying to tell you're computer what "I-POed" means (if you know anything of the recent news with this you will laugh), we will be Time Traveling easier.
With all of these cool new things, one slight error occuried and that was a program freezing and a time machine joke was used then making the whole crowd laugh. I must say though, a much better and cleaner presentation then anything Windows in the last year, even WITH the bug that happened this early morning. But to all of our sadness there was no "One More Thing..." this year but I am very satisfied with what was shown as our all the others who gave, once again, a standing O for Mr. Jobs.
I will bring more for the other nerds out there, but for now, I must mingle and grab a bite to eat. Time to explore. And I put some of the new toys links up for you all. Enjoi.
Leopard OS X -
MacPro (very prettyy)