Kinda long but really good stuff soooo READ IT! hehe
The last few weeks have been absolutely insane. One thing after the other, tests and homeworks and projects and damn professors way to leave everything til the end. Now finals are starting. Can I please just go to sleep forever?
Then on top of that there's interviews. The career fair was Wed. I went and sold myself for almost three hours. I made a profit of 5 pens of varying quality from really cheap to really nice, one laundry bag that says lucent, one First Energy bouncy ball that lights up and makes noise when you bounce it, and one necklace that has a blue blinking LED. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Oh, and a ton of literature and business cards...yeah I gotta start going through it and writing thank you emails to those companies I care about.
I have found though that once I get into the swing of it, like four/five companies into it, I really just let go and become an interview machine. It was pretty neat. I told myself I wouldn't stay that long then I just kept on going and going. I kept going down the list of companies looking for ones that were asking for computer engineers and going up to them. It was pretty cool I was proud of myself :)
Ohhhhh and I guess I didn't mention that I interviewed with AXS One last week.'s their website. It isn't all that exciting. I interviewed with the Quality Assurance Dept. and I'm guessing they got my resume from the Stevens resume book (my school compiles a book and a cd of all of the graduating seniors resumes and gives them to companies). I know I didn't apply for the job cause it sounded boring but I went for the interview and now I'm all excited.
First off, Quality assurance (QA) is a good field to get into. If you don't know what it is, let's say I get to play with the programs and make sure they do what they say they will annnnnd I get to try to break it to find bugs :)
If you get into a company that contracts out QA you make lots of money. Also in this particular company there's lots of room for growth and exciting job prospects. Basically, you get into their QA dept for 2-3 years and learn all about their products then you can move to anywhere in the company you want. Including Sales Engineers who travel the country talking to customers and being the technical sales reps and preliminary system designers. That sounds like soooo much fun! I wanna see the country!
This company is also right around the corner in Rutherford, for those who know it's about 15 mins away right off route 17 and if you travel route 3 west from here you can see the office complex (really big says Meadows office complex on the side of it). So I would get to stay up here, move in with scott, see friends annnnnnnnnd go to laire every month!!!
And they really seem to like me, after I did the interview I emailed the lady a thank you email (I hate those things they're so rehearsed and silly). She actually answered and said she'd be looking forward to seeing me at the career fair because there were more people she wanted me to talk to. Then when I got in the line for her table, it was her and another man and woman (two lines). I ended up with the other man and woman just by the luck of the line. I introduced myself, literally all I said was "hello I'm Nicole" and they responded right away "oooooh Nicole Carole said you were coming, oh it's nicole this is the one that interviewed with you" Then they read through my resume liked it talked to me a few minutes about coming in for another interview next week then pulled Carole away from her line to come get in on the conversation. hehe I was clogging up the whole dang line! I could just imagine the people behind me grumbling at me it was sooooo great :D
I'm trying not to get too too excited though there were some cool prospects at the career fair, some up here some not. There was this one company that was a gaming QA company, how cool would that be? They seemed to really like my resume, so did a Security system company based out of Manhattan.
The most frustrating thing was most people were just like yeah apply online. I got so tired of hearing that that when I went to a company I didn't particularly care about (some fashion company wanting IT people think it was Liz Claiborne) I was just like, oh really? so what happens to my resume that I'm giving you now? hehe I kinda put her on the spot a little, she hesitated it was funny
I'm sure they aren't supposed to tell you it just gets put in a big pile and not looked at lol
so damn that was long and I wasn't even trying, well wish me luck in interviewing I can't afford to graduat jobless!