(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 15:37

Ok so apprently danny wanted me to come up with 300 something dollers toward rent. Yea ok like i have the money. Not like that matters anyway i have paid his and everyone elses rent for the last 5 months. And to be honest most people were right....(sorry jackie i didnt want to believe it but as the days go on i see more and more of what you were talkin about)...i didnt want to believe everyone because i thought i saw something different in him that no one else saw. So he brought back his valintines gift and got the money back.  He was going to use that for rent but hes not going to cuz i dont have the 300 something dollers to give him to make it 995. I actually have like around 500 left and i dont want to spend anymore of it. I would like to bulid off it and maybe someday have some money like i use to have. So im not pictchin in that money. He told me i should but i told him i dont have the money to or whatever. So now were not paying rent and i dont know what will happen. To be honest i dont even care. I have paid for his ass for the last 5 months and i have lost friends because of him and i hate it! I always promised myself that i would never chose a guy over my friends and it happend. I didnt really mean for it to happen it kinda just happend and i didnt relize it till it was too late. I miss my best friend and im so not happy like i use to be and thats not right.

Anyway all this week all we have been doing is fighting. I quit Wal mart cuz there mangement was horrible and the enviorment was horrible. They didnt even train me and they made me close BY MY SELF the second day i worked the snak bar. He bitched at me for that to but i told him of i hate it im not going to stay there because its only gunna make me misserable. I told him if hes gunna bitch at me for my jobs he should get a job first and then talk to me about it.....Whatever this is comin to an end very soon and i feel relived saddly....

To JAckie- darling you were right all along and i just didnt see it. Im sorry that i didnt listen to you and that i kinda chose him over you. You are one of my BEST friends and you always will be. I miss everything that we use to do together....I know that im not the best best friend but im sorry and i have learned the hard way. Im sorry i love you and miss you tons!

To everyone else: im sorry that i havent been there for you guys when you have needed me but you have been there for me. Im tryin to get thing better so that im alot more happier then i was before. 
Im sorry and i miss you all soon i will beable to hang out and be there for all you guys again.

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