Jul 16, 2008 11:17
Yesterday was a very good day...I realized that I had more money than I thought I did so I treated myself to the first haircut I've had in six months. I figured I should do it now, because God knows when I'd get another chance. Then I had to go the Babies R Us because one of my aunts sent Chris and I a gift certificate. So I picked up a baby monitor. It was actually a really cool one, it has the basic set up one part stays with the baby and a receiver to keep with you. But it also has a second attachment the you can wear like an iPod and carry around with you without having to carry it. I thought that was pretty frickin' cool. I also got some milk storage stuff, and a little pair of tan sneakers and a little blue baseball cap (both on clearance...sweet). And I got some more kid size hangers. All of his clothes are hung up in our coat closet, but I wanted to grab some more hangers because people are inevitably going to buy him more clothes (namely me..lol). And I got the most comfortable bra I've ever bought (Babies R Us also sells maternity clothes from Motherhood). I swear, I put this sports bra on and it was like I wasn't even wearing a bra. I might buy like, four more of these next time we have some extra cash...or maybe I can con my mother into it.
After that I had to go to Pet Smart because our kitten has decided to show her discontent with the changes in her life by scratching the shit out of our carpet. So I spent yesterday researching the best no-scratch methods. The thing is, she had two scratch thingies..and she used both them all the time...but over the last week or so she's been clawing at the carpet right outside our bedroom. I've been trying to wean her off the cuddle gradually, because I noticed that she freaks out even when I just go to the bathroom and don't let her in. And seeing as there's going to be a new baby very soon...she's going to get even less cuddle. So to make it less of a shock to her, I've been less and less attention to her...and I guess she decided the mutilating the carpet was the best way to tell me that she wasn't a fan of the new situation. So I went and got her a really nice sisal rope scratch mat that has a zippered pouch in the back for catnip, and I also got this organic chemical free spray that's supposed to keep her from scratching anything I spray it on.
After the running around I went home with the intention of just vaccuming up the pieces of carpet fiber and the cardboard fragments from the scratch ramps so that I could spray that stuff on a clean area. But for some reason once I got that done, and the new mat laid out (which both cats went bat shit over...they were practically making out on this thing because of the catnip lol)...I couldn't stop. I figured "Well. I have the vacuum out, I might as well vacuum the whole apartment." But there was crap everywhere, so then I figured, "Well. I guess I'll just put some of this stuff away so I can actually get to the carpet with the vacuum." And it all just kept going from there. I got home from shopping at about quarter to nine and didn't stop cleaning until Chris called me at 11pm to tell me he was on his way home. When he called I was like, "What are you doing calling me...it's only 930." I couldn't believe that it was 11pm!
But I got so much done...
I vacuumed the entire apartment and got every piece of dust, cardboard, carpet fiber, or basic dirt particle..even in the corners and under the furniture. Since the repair guys put the new central air unit in the utility closet and cleaned it up and got rid of all the wires, I was able to put the toys that the baby won't use for a while (still in their boxes) in their with the cat carrier. Then I moved the baby swing and bouncy chair to make room for the glider chair that Chris's mom bought me (beautiful deep cherry wood, with sky blue cushion covers...so pretty). Then I realized the kitchen floor was dirty, so I swept it up, and then decided to mop it. Then I had this big bucket of Clorox Cleanup and figured, well I might as well clean the wall by the trash can and the baseboards...and the stove...and the microwave...and the counters lol. Then I figured, "Well the bathroom could use a wipe down.." twenty minutes later the toilet, sink, mirrors, and floor was clean and the cabinet was organized. I had to organize the cabinet because when I went to get the toilet bowl cleaner it was bothering me that things were just thrown in there. Then I realized that all the shower stuff was covered in soap scum...so I wiped all the shampoos and body washes off...the bottles look brand new even though they're half full lol.
I was about to start on the bedroom when Chris called and told me what time it was...then I realized the my back and thighs were throbbing...and my feet were on fire...so even though I still could've kept going...I should probably stop LoL.
But there is so much more that i wanted to get done...so I made a list this morning lol...
1. clean slip cover on couch (cat hair)
2. Clean Recliner (cat hair)
3. Wipe down Glider (it was bought at a yard sale, but only used like three times...so it's a bit dusty)
4. put clean laundry away...and wash dirty laundry
5. organize our closet...it's in shambles
6. have Chris put the high chair together so I can get the giant box out of the damn apartment
7. organize the crap on top of my dresser to make more room
8. find a place to hide all my shoes since I reused the basket they were in for baby toys
9. take blankets out of basinet (it's been used as storage till now) and put a sheet on the mattress...then lay down tin foil to keep the cats off it...find out if can spray that stuff on the carpet around it to keep the cats away...hmm?
10. hang up the watercolors I did for the baby
11. vacuum the bedroom really well (only room i didn't get to yesterday cause there was too much shit in it)
12. wash all the baby bottles and nipples
13. clean pump parts...
14. clean out refridgerator...meaning wipe up Hubby's spilled tomato sauce from last week...
15. organize bookshelf (books and papers are falling off)
17. Work on Labor and Delivery Playlist
18. unpack last box of movies from moving in
19. Get rid of any clothes, shoes, crap...that I will never wear again. I did this before we moved in...but I'm sure I can get rid of more. There's a whole shelf in our closet that I haven't touched since I put the stuff in there...so some of it can probably go.
20. Put stroller in car...since that's where it's going to stay most of the time anyway...than it won't be taking up space in the dining room.
21. Maybe bake a batch of cookies or two...cause I want warm cookies with chocolate and peanut butter chips...plus it'll make the apartment smell really nice :-)
I told my mom about all of this when I made my morning mom-call....she wouldn't stop laughing at me. I kept asking her what was so funny and she just kept saying "Nothing." So of course I got annoyed and get all huffy with her. Then she said "Ya know...you're cute when you're nesting." I was really caught off guard. Chris actted kinda funny last night when he got home. He was really careful not to track any dirt in the house, and immediately emptied his lunch box and took the trash out (which I hadn't gotten too yet). And when I told him everything that I'd done and what I planned on doing today he just kept saying "Whatever you want honey." It didn't dawn on me until my mother said something, that I had officially entered that phase. I didn't do any of that stuff, or plan to do this other stuff with the intent of "getting ready for baby." I just looked around our apartment and was disgusted with the state of it....and once I started I couldn't stop.
But aparently that's how it works. My mom said that less then a week before i was born she decided that the way she had her furniture set up was ALL WRONG and was rearranging it at 1am lol. But apparently it's all done unconciously. Good to know.
I still can't stop thinking about the piles of crap in my bedroom that are making me claustrophobic whenever I go in there...
One good side effect of cleaning so much...I slept through the night last night for the first time in weeks lol. I guess I should do this more often. At the very least...we all know that once the baby is here, the apartment isn't going to get a good cleaning for a long time, so it's good that it's getting a combing over now...at least that's what I'm telling myself to keep from being embarassed at the anal retentiveness that i'm going through right now lol.
And now it's lunch time...I want Taco Bell...