Facebook drama

Mar 31, 2008 11:30

I think I'm finally going to unfriend Hottie-Hot-Not-Boyfriend. I only just took him out of my phone recently but having him pop up in my mini-feed about being tagged in photos of a recent va-ca he took with his way too orange from fake tanning, way too bleach-blonde girlfriend who has an entire jewelry store hanging out of her belly button has sealed the deal.

Also, I got a friend request from someone I went to high school with but didn't hang out with at all. Up until now, all my high school Facebook friends have been people I actually hung out with or talked to on a regular basis. But it seems like the general rule is "hey! we went to high school together! let's be friends!" which I find a bit strange. But I suppose I should grow up and embrace this philosophy and friend her. At least she's not the most heinous of my former classmates. With those people, I would have a major internal debate about friending them. (And yes, friend is totally a verb!)
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