Wow. I just found some websites that could keep you occupied and screaming in frustration at the computer for days.
Conservapedia is good, but has anyone else seen the
CreationWiki? I wouldn't mind if they stuck to a biblical view of creation, but they claim to be
an encyclopedia of creation science, so there's all sorts of information about evolution, and a lot of it is not so hot. I appreciate the fact that they state they are trying to write articles from a Creationist Point of View, not a Neutral one, since Conservapedia doesn't have the chutzpah to say such a thing.
I challenge you to go check it out and bring back your favorite egregious error.
Mine is the page on
'human races' (yup, I'm overlooking the Creation Anthropology page even):
"The term human races refers to how humanity comes in a number of varieties, distinguished by features such as skin colour, facial appearance, shape of skull, type of hair and height. Races have generally been defined by some easily distinguished external feature."
In reality, if you were to classify people based on height, type of hair, shape of skull, facial appearance, and skin color, you would end up with tens if not hundreds of categories. And it never states that these don't, in fact, line up in nice geographic zones as we 'expect' them to. AND it doesn't point out that this, along with historical documents and social science research shows that race is a social construct. Race is NOT biological. Argh...
Also, while wanderings through some links I eventually got to an ad for the website
Those Shirts - Conservative T-Shirts (note, the ad was NOT on the CreationWiki) which has some of these fantastic items for sale:
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency (and yes, that pic is from the website)
I wonder if Mike Judge is aware they're selling this?
Ha! I almost want to buy this because it's so ridiculous.
All kidding aside about crazy Ann Coulter, these things are HORRIBLE! I can't believe they are out there. Do people only wear them in private? Or in Red States? Because I'm happy to say I've never seen any of them.
Head Exploding. I'm going to bed.