Dec 25, 2003 18:49
well obviously today is Xmas, and it sucks cuz i talked to a couple people that arent having the best day, and i want to change that. im not the best person at brightening up my own day but i hope i can just help everyone else have a nice day. people have been asking me what i got and i usually just sed "stuff"...but i wasnt is JUST stuff. this year i guess i just feel the true "spirit " of christmas corny as that may sound.
well tomorow i hope i can sleep over tracys house. also i want to see "the return of the king" sometime this week and im not sure what else im doing.>>somebody make plans with me<< yeah.
well anyway right now im at my G'moms house (boorrring) and me and dan are watching this really crappy "horror" movie on digital cable called "jack frost" its about a snow man that goes on a killing spree in hawaii. it might just be the fucking funniest movie i have ever seen. its made by a amature filmaker and the snow man gtes his parts (carrot, coal , ice cubes..) and creeps around the iland and doing such things like the carrot pushes a anvil on a girl, another girl swallows a icecube and her head explodes, and i guy gets a snowball throw at him by the snow mand and his arms fliess off and starts squirting blood all over everyone. everyone shoudl check it out. definatly oscar worthy.
also i got a new digital camera and i guess thats the "big" gift. so if anyone sees me smile so i can take your picture and eventually get it in my journal. k?. :)