Well its official…I’m “un-grounded” from the internet.
I’ve been hanging out with my BG Sarah this week (yeah I don’t think most people know what BG means…) and first she came over last Monday and we walked to Joes Pizza with britt dona and trac, then came home and hung out with all the skaters. Yeah I wanted to go inside and trac and sarah were like “NO…uhh…its nice outside”…yeah but I really know they just wanted to tap that skater ass. Lol. Well anyway then Sar came home with me again on Friday and we hung out here along with dan matt andy and dom and then went to tracys that night. I haven’t got out much lately so its nice to hang with my friends. And also its nice to know I have people that I can always count on cuz everyone knows that list keeps getting smaller.also Lindsay sez she keeps getting discluded from group stuff so I think we need to put an end to that..well heres some pics from recess on Monday and I have about 59765972606 more to upload but these will do for now.
me and sarah didn’t want to go to 1st period so we got out of class and went to the computer lab
the “escape”
linz and BGJ
I bought sarah her lunch
jessie and samm
sarahs bread
some hot mamas
joe and the broom
brian getting bitch-slapped
someone knows how to hold a camera lol
I don’t know this moron but she wouldn’t go away until we took her picture..so..
sarah still cant hold a camera :p
sarah wanted that
are shadows
mandys excited about looking after my purse
the “lake”
patten and chatten
it took a whole year for me to be able to carry him lol
BG war war and BG pimpshades
aha ;)
it was so fucking cold out there
wc + cw
will and sar
me sar joe and brian
mandy:”don’t I loook sexy with me AND chelsea’s purses”
brians shirt