Sep 23, 2004 10:01
I already summited my applications to ASU and U of A. I'm stuck in Arizona at least for my first four years of college. I had my transcripts and SAT scores sent last week, so Im pretty much all set. So all that is left to do is wait..graduation seems soooo far away, but in reality it really isnt that far. Just freakin 8 months, thats all. :P
Today I turned in that form for all the senior stuff and cap/gown. When I turned it in it felt so surreal, I really cant believe that I'm a senior. High school didnt seem to be going by so fast but it kind of has. I dont feel any different then I did freshmen year though, at least I dont think I've changed. Does any one feel like they have changed drasticly?
My senior pictures have come in, I haven't picked them up yet becuase I owe $100 for them and I so dont have that right now. :( I need a job!!!