(no subject)

Jan 19, 2007 12:30

I am SO Bored today and am already counting down the hours till I can have a chilled glass of wine tonight....

Over the past three nights I have run into the one person I really do not want to see at different places...weird yes.

Sash had 4 fits in about 1 hour last night and then acted like nothing had happened. I cried I hate seeing her like this =(

Ive stepped up the witness the fitness and got up this morning and went for a run along the beach at 5 am....am I crazy... yes....I even jumped in the pool after and did laps...

Fi and Barney are having a baby!!! Yeee!!

I hate people who have no manners on the phone....Is it that hard to say hello and introduce yourself? Example:
Me: hello Shoes online megan speaking, HI ITS JANE HERE , IS JACK AVAILIBLE? instead of Hello shoes online, megan speaking JACK? sorry who can I say is calling, JANE, and what company ae you calling from? "annoyed tsk" SO & SO ....

Its soooo fucking rude.

Got a few new exciting things happening at work...a few cool samples have been filtering through....cant wait till the new season!!! and cant wait for everyone to get back from hols so its not so dead!

I cant believe my jacs is going to be leaving in 3 weeks =( what will I do without her

Sorry for the pointless entry!
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