Yesterday at work, I met an up and coming band called Waving at Strangers... Checkout their website out @ ....
They were really nice and funny too. I think they play music like Good Charlette (I know that's spelled wrong)..... They have been touring across the USA and playing at different locations. I think on their website, it should say where they are going next, so see if they are coming to your town or city or state and go check them out.
Today I have to do laundry and some other errands. Also, tomorrow my bf may or maynot meet my mom and godmother. They have both been asking when they are going to meet each other. Well, my bf still has to decide if he can make it for lunch. He has an important business meeting at 3pm and he is going to be in my city. He wanted to have dinner, but my mom has a business thing she has to go to after work and my godmother has to start work at 3pm, so lunch is the best time for them, but I don't know if it's the best time for my boyfriend. We will see.