Oct 11, 2006 06:04
So lately I have been thinking a lot about what makes people happy. I haven't really pinpointed it but I think part of it has to do with being greatful, at least for me it does. I am a pretty happy person, and I am most certainly content, they are two different things I believe. So in an effort to be more greatful...
(yes Thanksgiving came early this year)
Things I am greatful for:
~My amazing friends - who agree to seek revenge with me no matter what hour or day it calls.
~Winston - I know I bitch about him a lot, but I love him, unfortunately, and he teaches me patience and understanding, especially understanding because he is so very different than me and we are close, and it is mystifying to me how we have so very much in common and can end up worlds apart.
~Rolf - come on, the kid is hilarious, and brilliant and sarcastic, pretty much my favorite combination of things. there is nothing I could say to him that would change his view of me. Nothing I could tell him would make him think less of me or judge me, and there are so precious few people who will love you no matter what, and even fewer who will not change their opinion of you no matter what you might reveal about yourself.
~Mom - HOW COULD YOU NOT LOVE MY MOTHER, seriously if you do not, you are on the crack. She is amazing, and she puts up with all of us, all the time, all the loudness and almost always is happy to do it, that is the kind of stamina I have only heard of in ancient greek legends. Also, she has amazing shoes, that is something to aspire to.
~Dad - I am so much like him it is sometimes painful to admit, he would do absolutely anything for any of us and has always tried to give us a better life, the fact that he made mistakes on the way only reminds me that he is on occasion a mere mortal, which is hard to remember, as he very rarely screws up. He is compass that guides my thoughts and the ruler I always try to measure up to but fall short. it doesn't mean I stop trying, he certainly wouldn't. I am not as greatful for the plaid shirts he wears every day of the week, but I am working on that.
~Breadsticks - not only are they amazingly tasty, but they don't hurt that bad when Tracy hurls them at you in a drunken food fight.
~Hot Chocolate - can comfort almost any sorrow
~Halloween candy - see above
~Vanilla scented candles - seriously people, my apt. smells amazing.
~my jobs - yes both of them. Working for dad gives me opportunites that no one gets at my age, I know it is hard work and long hours, but they are FLYING ME TO SAN DIEGO TO TALK ABOUT MY WORK!!! Which is a little unnerving, but also very cool. Work is really a blessing, I like being busy and productive and not wasting a minute of life.
~Scott - WAIT FOR IT, not only has he contributed to my humor level since I have met him, not only has he made surprise guest apperences on 61820, but he showed me so many things about myself that no one else could have. He showed me how far I will go and how far I won't, when I will walk away and that is not an easy thing for me to learn as it is one of my flaws. The most amazing thing I learned from the whole experience is two fold 1)someone else could love me, and be in love with me other than Zach, which until recently I wasn't really sure of and 2) what I need in a man, and unfortunately one of things I need is something he is missing...
~Nicole - come on, she is just hot. But seriously, thinking about her (you) just makes me smile, she has such faith in life and such optimism and hope, she is always trying, do you know how hard it is to be perpetually trying? To never ever surrender no matter how slim the odds and how uphill that battle? its hard. ( i once gave winston's first fiance a paper weight that said on it, What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? And it always reminds me of you)
~Jennifer K. - well she is hot too, but more importantly has made a decision and she is following through. She loves Imran and I know people have mixed feelings about it, but she made her decision and she is going to see it through, and that is so so so hard to do. So very few people have the will to follow through, but she does for better or worse and i respect that.
~Kristen - she is pretty much salsa incarnate. At least that is how I would describe her, she wants to live every single moment of life laughing and enjoying friends and family, and I think sometimes I do too little of this, I think maybe I should balance it just a little better, if possible. She has such a spice for life, and I envy that. And she has cool hair.
~JANDERER - hahahahaha....hilarious. Come on, life gave her the finger and she gave it right back!!!!! How many people want to kick some ass? I believe she does, and I believe she can, she had an absolutely flawless attitude about how to handle things that life throws at you, you suck it up, and you try it again, maybe with some new tactics. Plus I am greatful to have someone to analyze EVERYTHING with.
~Tracy - she is has been one of the most difficult friendships of my life, and not because she is difficult, but because I was difficult for her, and I am not usually that difficult for people, other than in the usual ways. Because I definately made decisions that were not for her benefit, and the fact that I was caught between a rock and a hard place and there were really no options is not a reason, she is such an immensely giving person I cannot even being to describe and besides being so intelligent and ambitions there are many attributes she possesses I could name that I am greatful for, plus she is a HILARIOUS drunk. I am most greatful for the opportunity for us to grow, and for our friendship to grow, and she gave it the chance, and for that I am greatful and try to make up for it every time we hang out. BET YOU DIDN'T ALL KNOW I FELT LIKE THAT!!!
~Zach - words fail me.
It is now my bed time. But in an effort to be more greatful, I am going to try to list at least one thing every day, we will see, I am not good at LJ posting.
This message brought to you by the letter U and the number 4.