I luv memes!
Got this from
1. Post the names of 20 of your favorite musicians.
2. See who can guess which is your favorite song by each.
3. Once someone guesses right, bold that row and include the song.
I wonder if my LJ friends could do #2, doesn't matter 'coz I just want to do no. 1! hee hee hee...
1. Jay Chou ( 周杰倫)
2. Jacky Cheung (張學友)
3. Andy Lau (劉德華)
4. Mayday (五月天)
5. Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文)
6. Nan Quan Mama (南拳媽媽)
8. Faye Wong (王菲)
9. Andy Hui (許志安)
10. Eraserheads (w/Ely Buendia)- With a Smile
11. Grasshopper (草蜢)
12. Beatles
13. F.I.R.
14. Ken Chu (朱孝天)- 愛不停止(ai bu ting zhi)
15. Matchbox Twenty
16. Jaya
17. Cagnet
18. Janno Gibbs
19. William So Nice (蘇永康)
20. Beyond
No. 1-5 is official while ther rest is at random order.
No. 1 & 2 are even XD