多少風風雨雨﹐ 是喜歡木村拓哉還是喜歡周杰倫﹐ 我依然回歸﹐以言承旭為主.
喜歡就是喜歡﹐ 不勉強的喜歡﹐ 只是這年以來﹐ 作品很少﹐ 讓我有點失望。
最近有出日曆﹐ 又出DVD﹐ 我還是固執的不買。 先出個作品﹐
明年﹐ 如果這些高貴東西還在賣的話﹐ 我一定買。
好久好久沒笑成這樣。 Kimuchi!!!
Tagal ko na di nagsulat ng chinese. namiss ko.
Anyhooo... it's been a while since this guy made me smile. It made me sooo happy when these were posted at nbbbs. Thanks to chappy55 for the wonderful pix.
I just hope that the long wait is over and these pics will mark the beginning of his projects. I've been overfeeding myself with Takuya stuffs and I had to cut myself a bit. Surprisingly, Emule's been slow lately and my supply of SMAPXSMAP episodes are getting scarce. heh heh.
P.S. I suddenly had the urge to watch Takuya's HERO SPECIAL and I'm wondering where I could get the Movie. I really like this series and I would kill for a download of the movie. HELP!!!!