Me hearties, today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! So settle down wi' yer grog and relax, ye scurvy landlubbers!
Seems I've broken up with Giuliana. I'm disappointed. She was good, for a fake girlfriend. Now I'm dating Geri Halliwell, according to the papers. Jerry and Geri? Shiver me timbers! That's never gonna work! In reality, the reason me Mum and Da were in London was to meet up with Orli's Mum and 'that twit Colin', not to meet 'me new beauty'.
On the upside, I'm already friends with Mel C, so I've gotten with one of Geri's friends, if I ever did wannabe her lover. ;P Does Geri have a journal currently? That'd be fun.
Now, me buckos, I'm off to continue watching me Pirates of the Caribbean bootleg. Shhhhh! ;)
You are The Cap'n!
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
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