Dec 17, 2008 06:52
So I was jonesin' for some munchies and I went to the Mini Maxi Mart for some Fatty Salty Crispies and some grape sodees. I go up to the counter, and the guy behind the register...he's eyeballin' me. I pull my money out and I'm making small talk while he rings up my stuff and then outta nowhere I do this half sneeze and this big old booger the size of a quarter shoots out my nose onto the counter. I look at him. He looks at me. Talk about awkward! There is just this stunned silence. What to do...what to do. Thinking fast, I pick it up and hold it up in front of him...rolling it around between my fingers. The look of horror on his face told me I better do something, and I popped it in my mouth. "What are u lookin' at Punjab? Did'ja want some?" Uh-Oh. Whatever I did, it was the right wrong thing because this fella is now wrecked for life. I see his hands go fishin' around under the counter looking for somethin'. He pulls out a sawed off shotgun. Nice piece! Must be there in case someone gets a little grabby with the money in the drawer. Anyways he just looks at me then sticks the barrel in his mouth and blows the top of his head off. Kah Bloo Eee!!! Talk about the very last straw that breaks the camel's back. All this has got me thinkin' , I sure have seen a whole lot of horrible things in my life. Ending on a happy note, I did get my stuff for free...and a whole bunch more. Good Times!