Mar 23, 2006 01:00
Yesterday was the end of my "spring break" even though i don’t attend college (we can pretend) I went with Tony and his two roomates, and one of their friends to good old Montreal, Canada. Which was awesome x1000 for these few reasons
1. its more laid back, two guys can actually hold hands as they walk the streets.
2. the drinking age is 18 lol
so it started on Friday for me, which consisted of driving from Portland to Burlington Vermont, to get to Tony's college which was a long ass drive. We ended up staying the night at one of Tony’s friend's house, where he lived with his girl roomates and his boyfriend. Tony and his roomate and myself fell asleep to the sounds of his friend having sex with his boyfriend....not a good time....i had plenty of nightmares..and laughed a lot. Then got really aggravated and yelled "oh please its not that good." haha caz he was really going over the top..ok enough of that.
So Saturday we drove to Montreal and made it to the loft which was beautiful! and we later found out by one of Tony's friends who lives in Montreal across the street from us there that the loft we were staying at is where a lot of porno's are filmed....of course i found this out after i took a long bath....def didn’t take another one after thinking about what’s probably gone down in it... The first night all 5 of us went to the liquor store, then went home and got wasted and all toasted to a great vacation. Then Tony and i walked around the corner to the big club called "Unity II" which was huge. Not much happened there. We didn’t dance with anyone, only because we didn’t separate, so all the people there saw us together there thinking we were together im sure. Tony started to annoy me when he wouldn’t shut up about how he thought this guy was looking at him, or that guy, or him, or got annoying. And at one point i wanted to say YOUR AT A GAY CLUB PEOPLE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT YOU DEAL WITH IT! but i kept it inside, and i was pretty drunk so I didn’t let it bother me too much. We danced our asses off. Then went home around 2am. Which most all clubs and strip joints close at 3am in Montreal.
The next day Tony went over to his friends house across the street who’s name was Aaron who was 26. he was gone for at least 1/2 hour. I had to fend for myself with his straight roommates...who were actually really cool and chill. We all made a bet that we wouldn’t see Tony for awhile assuming he was having sex with him. But he came home right after that and didn’t do anything with him. So later that night Aaron came over to visit us before we headed out to the Strip clubs. And i met him and said hello and all that stuff, which he was really cute. I was a lil drunk and Tony was just a lil buzzed. But i was talking to Aaron and stuff, then i would do other things in the meanwhile. Aaron soon left. And then Tony randomly came out and said, "he talked about you" and im just like.......ok....well what did he say. and he is like "I don’t want to tell you." and i say "why not" and he said "i don’t want to be mean." and of course i made him tell me to which he said "he said you were scary looking" which of course kinda ruined my night, the thought of scaring someone with my looks kinda hurts just a bit. I didn’t really believe Tony caz i didn’t feel that Aaron was scared by my looks. I mean i didn’t feel him shielding his face when he looked at me.... later that night Tony got drunk and fooled around on his computer talking to people and what not. Then after we went out, and came back to the loft around 3:45am we were both trashed, and his roommates came home at the same time from their straight strip clubs. We sat downstairs and talked it up together.... Then Tony brought Aaron up again. And can i just say how i love how u can get the truth from people when they are drunk. Tony slipped out "i was so fucking jealous tonight, i was talking to Aaron and he wouldn’t shut up about you. And how he was saying how cute he thought u were, and how he thought u were a cute twink." and i like snapped out of my drunkenness and was like "WAIT,....what?!?!" i was pretty pissed at that point and i was like "You told me he thought i was scary looking" he paused and was like "he did" and im like "ok so he thinks im scary looking then goes and says im a cute twink or whatever...that makes sense" and he told me that he was just jealous....i was really hurt by that...u don’t go and tell someone that someone thinks ur scary looking just because your jealous. For some reason Tony wasn’t like his old self on this trip... i was really upset with him. but he obviously forgot about the mean time i was thinking about going over to Aaron's and making a night of but i was a good boy and didn’t. sadly....
But that night after Aaron came over we went out to our first ever strip club which was that very dirty way....but it was still fun. I was pretty ridiculous. we left that strip club which was called "the stock bar" and went to another gay strip club a block away (i loved how we were so close to everything) this one was called "campus" and it was way better then the other. I was drunk off my ass, and i remember i looked over and saw a girl drinking and watching the male strippers. She reminded me so much of my friend Carissa. I started dancing to this good song, then the next thing i know the girl that i was looking at went on stage while there was an intermission and tapped my shoulder and asked Tony and i to join her and her friend on stage. (it was ladies night at a gay strip club...i thought that was weird) anyways like the drunk twink i was, i got on stage and gave all i had on dancing with them and Tony. I was very fun, and im sure very amusing. We then sat with the girls, and quickly became friends with them, now i have their number and they told us to keep in touch with them, and to def call them if we are ever in Canada again. I spotted a beautiful girl standing at the bar right behind us. She was very pretty, and i told her she had an awesome tattoo, she then came over and put her arm around Tony and i and told us that we are very attractive which was funny. I told her how hot i thought she was and we got to talking. Then we got back to the strippers, which gave all the attention to the ladies of course caz of ladies night. Then we were getting ready to leave and i said bye to the girl with the nice tattoo, and she go to talking some more and she told me she is from the country Hungry and is a stripper at a straight club down the road. Then had me dance with her and her friend, which ended up being me sandwiched between them. Then we had a shot together, and i told her we were leaving, so she kissed me twice on the cheek, then the next thing i know, her grip on my back got strong and then frenched the shit out of my mouth. it was pretty random. She got upset when Tony and i told her that we couldn’t share a cab with her back to where ever she wanted us to go...she had a bit of an accent...but that was a pretty good night.
The next night. Tony and i went back to the stock bar, which was like our warm up bar. We were sitting at a table when i had a huge ass grab from my seat from one of the male strippers, i only caught his back, so i didn’t know which one. Then we moved to the bar, which i sat next to this guy in his mid 50's and me being drunk and outgoing, i made conversation with him. Then Tony got into the conversation. His name was Larry, and he is from NYC but also lives in Montreal. He ended up buying us one too many shots which included a kamikaze which he said we might throw up after. we didn’t just got us completely wasted. We said goodbye to Larry and his generosity and went to the gay strip club "Campus" again. This time it wasn’t ladies night. The next thing i know Larry is there and we ended up sharing a table. I was really happy he was there, caz he made the night for me. Though he wasn’t this hot dude...he was a good guy who had good stories and insights, and had been through a lot. We got more drinks. Then he came out and asked me if i wanted a dance with one of the strippers...i really liked this one guy who had been there the night before, so me being drunk said yes. and i did, and it was pretty interesting, and awkward at the same time. We made out, he said i could do things....but i told him that i was set with making out (don’t know where he’s been) then i come back and Tony had already been with one stripper that he paid for. Then Larry asks me which stripper should he get for Tony, i told him the one i was with. so he did. he ended up doing things with two strippers which i gave him shit for, caz u seriously don’t know what they have or what they have been with. not my scene anyways. Tony wouldn’t stop going on about them. I wanted to tell him, Tony they are only in it for the money. He was all set on them loving him. I wasn’t gonna rain on his parade. just giggle a bit. let him think what he wants.
We had gone to the saint Patrick’s day parade the day before, which reminded us all of why the drinking age in America is 21, the parade ended up being the parade of drunks that filled the entire street (which was VERY very long) and litter galore. We also went into this huge mall that was at least 4 stories high, and went underground as well. We got lost on the metro which was a subway. Took us to the end of the street, so we had a very LONG walk back to the loft.
We stumbled home and said bye to Larry. We got home just as the other guys did. We had another conversation downstairs...this time the two straight guys were talking about how they might be bi sexual...i didn’t think the night could get anymore random...but that took the cake. I was just sitting there laughing, which one had his head in his hands thinking about the fact that he just might like guys more then friends. The other guy came out and said he did. And then i tired to make it less awkward and start a conversation. Then ended it when one of them started playing foot zees with me. They stopped thinking about it and went to bed. The next morning was totally different. Both confessed that they were really drunk and loving everyone a bit too much and were just saying it caz they were drunk....right... haha.
We left Tuesday night at 5 and made it home at 12:30am it was def a long drive. i saw 4 animals cross the road and prayed that i didn’t hit any animals. Knowing me i couldn’t deal with the fact that i killed a dear or a fox. Id be way upset. but luckily we just had encounters where i would honk at them and they would run away.
All and all it was def an experience. and i had a blast. def will go there again.